
I'm a web & graphic designer/ illustrator/ comic colorist/ concept artist/ cover artist / random doodler. This is the place where I post all the stuff that I come up with while I try to achieve the thing known as "The Perfect Porfolio". It might come soon, or not, as the damned page refuses to ever be perfect and I refuse to publish it before it is.
Around 60 000 hits to this blog I'm stating to think I might have to do something to make this one look better too... It's a vicious circle. I might still need to ask help from Obi-Wan Kenobi to get this all to work. Sigh.

Hope you enjoy your stay. If not, blame the Perfect Portfolio, it's all his fault anyways.


P.S. I totally lied just now, with the "I post all the stuff". I almost never post web layouts, logos or any of the other graphic design stuff here. Mostly drawy things.
P.P.S. Want to contact me for some reason? Please email to sarimuskurimus@gmail.com

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